Welcome to ChooseWheels

Probably the best micro-mobility/personal transportation website on the planet. That may or may not be my biased opinion (it is), but still, I think we run a pretty good shop here.

My name is Alex Olson, the handsome chap on left (the taller one), and I am the owner/designer/web builder/chief editor of ChooseWheels.com.

ChooseWheels helps you, the consumer, find the best products, the best deals, and make the best purchase decisions you reasonably can. However...

These are just our opinions and when products are mass produced one must be prepared for slight variances in quality among multiple buyers.

Sometimes defective products (lemons) make it onto the shelves when they shouldn't.
It happens, please don't get pissed at us if you buy a 🍋.

Alex and his family in Breckenridge

We Work With Some Pretty Cool Brands

Halo Board

The Man Behind the Goggles

In 2013, Alex was working at a State Farm in Omaha, NE selling life insurance.

Realizing very quickly this was not want he wanted to be doing for the rest of his life, he taught himself how to build websites with WordPress. Soon after, he consumed any and all information on digital marketing.

Learning from the greats at the time Brian Dean, Neil Patel, and Pat Flynn he launched his first drop-shipping website in 2014, called Robust Snacks.

It failed spectacularly, but he learned a great deal on what NOT to do. He persevered with his quest to build a successful online business.

He tried and failed several more times before he acquired ChooseWheels.com in 2016. The website you see today is the aftermath of 10,000+ hours personally testing products, writing reviews, building relationships and changing the design so many damn times.

When Alex isn't working on ChooseWheels you can find him helping clients launch their own websites or skiing in mountains with his family. ⛷️

Alex skiing on top of Breckenridge

Need help building a kick*ss website? ✉️ Send Alex a message directly.

Open box

Our Product Review Mantra and Code

Take Customer Reviews with a Grain of Salt

Have you ever read the reviews on washer and dryers? 

74% of the people think it’s the best washer ever and 

11% of the people think the same washer is garbage.

Washer Review

We pride on ourselves on being as unbiased as possible when it comes to product reviews. Having been in the affiliate marketing game for almost 10 years we hate seeing people push inferior products for the sake of getting a higher commission. That's not us.

All of the products shown on ChooseWheels have either been tested personally by myself, a member of our staff or researched extensively before being recommended (or a combination of the three).

That being said...

ChooseWheels makes money from affiliate links and earns a commission if you buy a product we recommend. This does not affect the consumer whatsoever, but greatly helps us! Thank you for being rad.