Ever wondered how an electric motorcycle works? These environmentally friendly motorcycles operate similar to those that rely on a gas propulsion system to function. Both types of motorcycles require an engine that’s powered by either gas, an electric battery, or an electric fuel cell. The only real difference between them is that the electric motorcycle has a smaller engine since it’s not a gas propulsion system.
Essential Parts
Electric motorcycles rely on large batteries to run efficiently. These batteries are about the size of what a gas powered engine would be in a gas propulsion-based system. Newer models offer much smaller engines, some as small as an alternator. This little engine is carefully stationed in front of the back wheel, mounted low on the chassis. The motor itself is attached securely to the rear wheel, held in place by a chain and sprocket.
Battery Life
The life of a battery within an electric motorcycle varies greatly although they last generally somewhere between 2 to 10 years. The types of batteries used in different models include by are not limited to:
- Lithium Ion
- Lithium Phosphate
- Lithium
- Lithium Ion Phosphate
- Lead Acid
How much the operator can get out of the charges vary between motorcycle designs which may irritate some. Modernized electric motorcycles can race along at decent speeds ranging from 40 – 100 miles between each individual charge. The duration of each of these charges lasts roughly 3 hours although some sessions may last only two hours. It really depends on the make of the battery. Generally the higher the cost of the electric motorcycle, the higher quality results you’ll see. Top of the line electric motorcycles have the capability of traveling farther distances in between charges (up to roughly 114 miles), although a gas propulsion system is capable of traveling further than that.
Benefits of Going Electric
There are a multitude of benefits when switching to an electric motorcycle. Despite long charging sessions to keep the battery going, electric motorcycles contribute to clean air technology. Eliminating oil and gas fumes are much better for the environment everywhere but especially in larger cities where pollution frequently runs rampant.
Repairing an electric motorcycle is much less expensive in comparison to a gas propulsion system. Although the initial purchase is more expensive than a gas propulsion system, there aren’t as many repair issues with electric motorcycles.
Another perk of going electric is that the engine is much more quiet than that of a gas propulsion system. Lower decibels means hearing won’t be continually damaged over a long period of time.
Lastly, another benefit to switching to an electric propulsion system is that there are longer extension cords for easier recharging sessions. Those that own their own homes will be pleased with how easy his or her electric motorcycle plugs right in to a nearby outlet and begins taking a charge. Individuals who happen to live in an apartment won’t be disappointed with the cord length. Although bike owners may be farther away from an outlet and require the full length of the cord, they will still be able to easily charge their electric motorcycle just like everyone else.